Odds / Ends

Digital concept artist in the world of film, video games and comics, Dan LuVisi has put together a brilliant series of digital art that is part parody, part sociopathy and part ghoulish horror… and all blended with the cartoon favorites of your youth. Want to keep up with the narratives behind the likes of Homer Simpsons’ […]

20 May
What's new in rechargeable vaporizers

Privilege lifestyle brand is dropping their newest in vaporizers, the e-Hookah. What is the point of the e-Hookah? Perhaps not something for a party of five to puff at while chomping on a mezza plate. Nor is it something that would butterfly the caterpillar right off his shroom-rest (or then again, maybe it is). But it […]

This just past NYC Toy Fair, Kidrobot let the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles climb back up out of the sewers and onto display shelves. Like the toxic ooze that made these turtles into the sword wielding assassins that they are, so comes a glow-in-the-dark series of Ooze Action toys. But these are modeled after the famed […]

So you have the finest in leather shoes, the slickest of calfskin attaché cases. When you run your hands across the Savile Row-tailored suits strung along the wooden hangers of your closet, you feel confident that you have all the best options of a gentleman. All is well, your cheeks shorn professionally by straight razor. […]

Back in the 1800’s in the old days of New York, Hamilton Carthatt, in the midst of pursuing the American Dream the old-fashioned way, switched his focus from a furnishing business to a business with the sole focus of creating garments for railroad workers. Although Carhatt passed back in 1937, the company continues to thrive […]

For some, hating commercialism used to mean rolling their eyes with the interruption of Friends. And now, some might think it means shaking their fist at pop-up ads. But a team of UK street artists have taken it to the next level. Brandalism is a crew of rabble-rousers who began projects in anti-advertising out of Britain a […]

A New York union is complete. NYC-bred Hopps Skateboards is gracing the face of two photo-printed decks with the work of Ricky Powell, a man celebrated as one of New York’s top street photographers (and alleged Beastie Boys towel-thrower). Of course Powell is no novice to the world of collaborations, as you may recall his awesome Rakim, Public Enemy and […]

16 May
Limited run of only 10 pieces from the Hong Kong toymakers

Coarse Toys is an artist duo in a Hong Kong studio who have gained international recognition for their sculptures and lofty “themes of denial, betrayal and lies.” (Oh my!) In fact, their beautiful take on the buzzkill has been through these parts before, multiple times, perhaps best with the rabbit-suit wearing False Friends. Their most recent work is […]