23 Sep
Get yourself some Zen consciousness... on the rocks

Makers of the world’s most completely unnecessary and yet amazing products, Thinkgeek have come up with a must-have for your wet bar/Zen temple. The spiritually enlightened Laughing Buddha ice tray includes four fillable Siddartha slots, each holding 1.5 ounces of water — lest you prefer to use them for belly jiggling jello shots. It is […]

What do you get when you give the simplest of souls that which he seeks most? In the case of Homer J. Simpson and frosted donuts, you get a level of contentment on par with the most disciplined and enlightened of Zen monks. Ergo, Homer Buddha. Kidrobot has teamed up with The Simpsons to craft […]

Christian Hosoi sure seems to be exorcising a lot of demons lately, first and foremost with his My Life as a Skateboarder, Junkie, Inmate & Pastor book. I guess he wants all the kids to learn from his past mistakes, which must be the motivation for this latest video he made for Vans, under their […]

If you’re a child of the early 90s and were a complete and utter screw up (because you know, smoking pot totally means you’re one step away from juggling balls for crack), you may remember the first time you encountered “the color changing pipe” in high school. Well that’s simply where this enormous multi-million dollar […]

22 Mar
Escort knife set all you need to handle that pesky chupacabra

Sure, you could buy a regular set of daggers if you really wanted to, and I’m sure they’d make short work of that chupacabra you keep seeing behind your Xbox around 3 am (I’ve been meaning to tell you, you really gotta lay off those late night Big Buddha Cheese weed x Archer sessions my […]

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V,  vol VI, vol VII, vol. VIIIvol IX, vol X,  vol XI, vol XII,  vol XIII, vol XIV, vol XV and vol XVI) Hi readers. Well, this new post was going to be a light-hearted, hilarious book report on Snooki’s glorious novel A Shore Thing since, yes, I read it. […]