3 Nov
Lindsay McCrum’s peek into the lives of women & their firearms

Spanning three years and 280 photo shoots, Lindsay McCrum’s new book, Chicks with Guns, is a collection of photographs that explores a variety of women’s personal histories with guns. Ordinary women pose dramatically with rifles or handguns against backgrounds that hint at their complex relationships with these most controversial firearms. In one photograph, a young […]

26 Aug
Brits offer up bass, grime & folktronica on extended mix

British culture magazine i-D offers up an interesting selection of tracks for their August mixtape. The longest mixtape they’ve ever assembled, the August edition treads from bass, grime and trip-pop to acoustic, folktronica and alt ambient, including tracks from an army of artists such as Afrikan Boy (who rapped on DJ Shadow’s “I’m Excited” video), Joe […]

5 Aug
Patricia Piccinini's technology-questioning multi-media exhibit

Artist Patricia Piccinini has set out to explore the concerns and issues surrounding today’s technologies, consumerism and the construct of nature. Compiling work she’s done from 1997 to present, her Hold Me Close to Your Heart exhibition at Instanbul’s ARTER gallery includes sculpture, installation, drawing and video to challenge the viewer. Conventional wisdom has given […]

15 Jul
New York photographer Anthony Caren sheds light through the dark veil of obscure Caribbean religion

Throughout history there have been cultures whose practices have been judged and persecuted. You may be familiar with the Salem Witch Trials, but what about those against Haitian Vodou? You’re probably familiar with the sensationalized version depicted in TV and in films, but don’t believe the hype of sticking pins in dolls made of straws. […]

1 Jul
An exclusive single malt whisky by the scotch distillery

Glenfiddich got its name from the Gaellic term meaning ‘Valley of the Deer’, so it’s little surprise the Scottish distillery emblazons one of the elegant animals on each of its green bottles. That same richness of tradition transfers to their newest exclusive single malt whisky range, the Age of Discovery. Brian Kinsman, Malt Master for […]

16 Jun
More musical bouillabaisse from Stephen Fasano

Last winter we brought you The Magician’s Magic Tape Five mixtape, and then a little while later his BEAN mixtape he did in collaboration with oki-ni. Well we’ve obviously missed a couple (or more) mixtapes in the interim, because this week Stephen Fasano — he of ex-Aeroplane fame — is now up to his Magic […]

15 Jun
Moscow artist's "Sicksystems" combines graphics and handwork

With both multinational corporations and small independent brands simultaneously reaching out to him, Moscow-based graphic artist Aske has been in demand these days. His followers throughout Europe and here in the US helped bring attention to his work and led to him being featured last year in Print Magazine’s annual New Visual Artists “20 under […]

There are some pivotal historical events that are integral we all learn as Americans, lest we forget the soul of our nation and what it stands for. There are aspects of the formative years of our culture that if we let fade into the ether of yesteryear, we threaten to fray the very fiber of […]