If you ever thought the female obsession with engagement rings went too far, then you probably will think that designer Kate Bauman could use a talking to. The 4-finger ring (or should I say “rings”) is made from sterling silver and cubic zirconium, and unlike your fingers, each of the hoops are the same size. […]
The kids over at Metaphilm have made a very interesting postulation: you know how the narrator in Fight Club doesn’t have a name? Some think this anonymity is to make him an “everyman”, but Metaphilm posits that’s not the case. What if the narrator is none other than Calvin, he of Calvin & Hobbes fame? […]
Honestly, if there’s not a campfire nearby I truly can’t see any other use for a marshmallow than projectile launching a slew of them into my enemies. I mean, on the ranking system of awesome delectables they kind of suck, with a flavor hovering just above lime-green hard candy and right beneath stale Pez. All […]
By all accounts, Generationals seem custom made for Lost In A Supermarket. First off, before forming Generationals Grant Widmer and Ted Joyner were in a band called the Eames Era. While naming your band after a Mid-Century Modernist legend would be enough to prick our ears, there are the additional points that he loves bourbon […]
Madman Mundt and the Elf were guests at last week’s AFI Fest and attended the Los Angeles premier of Black Swan. This is their collaborative review. Black Swan is out in the US on December 1st. The Elf: I’m a sucker for a dance movie. Ballet specifically. Whether it’s Fame, Flashdance, Center Stage (starring a […]
That title above either gives you goosebumps like that revelation scene in Fight Club, or you just couldn’t care less (because you clearly don’t know what we’re talking about). There’s really no room for middle ground here. At the beginning of the year we posted the first trailer for Space Battleship Yamato, and this here’s […]
Here’s a pretty clever Brazilian commercial for Twix with the slogan Invent a pause. Open a Twix. Guy sure picked a good time to invent a pause…
And in the “Please Kick My Ass, Sir” department, we have this happy little sock monkey. The idea behind capoeira is to disguise a martial art into looking like a dance, my friend, not the other way around. You can’t say he didn’t have it coming…