12 Dec
From Japanese art to the appreciation of well shaped derrières

The second installment of our Best Of 2011 retrospective series focuses on the Top 10 Books of 2011, including photo-heavy coffee table books, research tomes and literature. From the history of menswear staples to Japanese art to modernist architecture to the appreciation of the well shaped derrière, there were a multitude of books published covering […]

Following in the footsteps of Taschen’s Big Butt Book, the hefty coffeetable book Culo by Mazzucco is a 248 page homage to the female derrière. Photographed by Raphael Mazzucco (known mostly for his work with Sports Illustrated‘s swimsuit issues), Culo features over 200 photographs of naked behinds both famous and not-so famous, featuring the likes […]

Since we first saw TrustoCorp’s subversive street art we’ve been fans. In the over-saturated, bloated world of street art, it takes doing something really different in order to stick out from the crowd (or just doing something really well). Plus, it always helps to have a strong message as all their fake street signs do […]

7 Jul
Soup Cans Exhibition opens July 9 at MOCA

In 2011 it’s easy to dismiss Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans as been-there-done-that monotony. Who wants to stare at a painting of an object you can buy for less than a dollar at Ralphs or the 99 Cent Store? I do, and we all should. Warhol’s iconic painting is actually thirty-two paintings side by side, […]

29 Jun
A call to arms against the most nefarious force known to students

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I,  vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V,  vol VI, vol VII, vol. VIII, vol IX, vol X,  vol XI, vol XII,  vol XIII, vol XIV, vol XV , vol XVI and vol XVII) Sometimes I like to exaggerate a wee bit and maybe say things in an over-the-top sort of manner to try and get a laugh […]

25 Aug
Quite possibly the dumbest celebrity perfume ever

In the world of celebrity perfumes, stupidity really knows no bounds. Why on earth anyone would feel compelled to smell like Paris Hilton or Britney Spears is a notion so confounding I cannot even begin to grasp it. I think about it and I feel like a monkey trying to do algebra. I imagine it […]

12 Aug
Maya Arulpragasam gets all freestyle on your ass

I seriously cannot figure out what everyone is smoking. I don’t care what the haters say, the new M.I.A. record is brilliant: the beats are sparce, complex, bad ass. I’m not sure — were people expecting 12 “Paper Planes” in a row? I can understand Perez Hilton, soccer moms and tweens that discovered her while […]

Last Thursday night, in celebration of LA’s Art Month, Calvin Klein, Art Los Angeles Contemporary (ALAC) and the Los Angeles Nomadic Division (LAND) hosted an extravagant gala in West Hollywood — thus proving that you don’t always need Bruce Weber’s scantily denim clad tweens to get people excited, a previously debatable observation. Read the breakdown, […]