The mariposa gusano, or worm, added by American bottlers of such fine Mexican swill as cheap mezcal has become a modern legend, regardless of the fact that it began as nothing more than a sales gimmick in the 1940s. Now, thanks to some gringos over in England, the grandest member of the Oligochaeta family — […]
Nothing riles me up more than paying $12 for a beer at a ballpark (as if the $25 in parking wasn’t enough), or $18 for a gin and tonic at a club. I could almost buy an entire bottle of Tanquerey for that amount — how could you possibly justify charging that much for a […]
As you know, Friday night we hosted the Lost In a Supermarket Launch Party at Liberace’s penthouse along with design collective Le Branché. We were totally overwhelmed by the RSVP response and had to shut the list down on Friday morning. Unsurprisingly, we were stormed at the gates come party time! Many more of you […]
Well, it’s with great surprise and gratitude that we announce that the list for our Lost In a Supermarket Launch Party is now closed! The response was utterly amazing and beyond our expectations, which leads me to believe that the denizens of LA are: A) rich arbiters of well-appointed tastes B) appreciators of design, art, […]