Ever since 2004 London-based artist Riitta Ikonen has been entertaining herself by sending bizarre postal packages to her friend Margaret Huber. It all started with a holiday project titled Location Vocation Vacation which called for one post card a week to be sent as a document of experiences to Huber, who was then Ikonen’s Illustration […]
You know how sometimes your girl’s all mad at you cos you never come up with any interesting girly stuff to do with her? Take this to the bank: girls love picnics. Sure, you could eat at home in the comfort of your own table and/or couch, or around the bar of your favorite sushi […]
While flying to Italy for another top secret mission (to be disclosed in the very near future) I was forced to suffer through Lufthansa’s in-flight entertianment, which actually isn’t all that bad. In a sado-masochistic way, I kind of enjoy the chance to see movies I would never see in the real world. Or rather, […]
You know how Ken from Sales has that Kobe bobblehead on his desk that he’s so proud of? And then there’s Judy over in Accounts Receivables with her Dwight from The Office bobblehead, who’s totally considers herself way outside the box? Well now you can show up both those chumps with your super clever Che […]
As we continue further plugging ourselves into the grid, inextricably enfusing more and more with this global consciousness known as the intertubes, we become more and more dependent on constant access to information. We’re either absorbing data from this flowing universe, or we’re contributing data to it. Either way, we’re plugged in more and more […]
Brilliant flip book animation by Singapore’s saggyarmpit. Even tho The Office recently joked about Parkour being the “internet sensation of 2004”, her usage of pen and ink and old school flip book style is worth a tip of the hat… parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.