In the current digital era, where every self-bloating site and social-media platform has made the lives of the painfully average into a constant news blast, it seems the stories of the truly remarkable among us have become overshadowed by the mundane. With those more worthy of memoir and memory in his mind, editor Patrick Grant — British fashion […]

The chopper is the one special breed of bike that has come to best embody the legend of freedom on the road that is everything Americana, from Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper’s Easyrider to Hunter S. Thompson’s Hell’s Angels. In the 288 pages of Gestalten’s hardcover, Chopper: the Real Story traces chopper history back to the early customized bikes at the turn of the 19th century […]

Artisan crafting and do-it-yourself-ing have been trending about the globe in general, but where the interest has perhaps blossomed most is in the art of making and knowing a good craft beer. With Barley and Hops: The Craft Beer Book, Gestalten has compiled the perfect book collection for the DIY brew lover. Whether one is entertaining […]

19 Aug
Gestalten's guide to doing everything you do, but better

Gestalten brings you The Monocle Guide to Good Business, a comprehensive guide to the better business-minded version of you. Not so much a business plan of numbers per se, the men behind the esteemed Monocle publication outline how good business can be defined by the simpler things, like bringing your dog to the job you love. This […]

With the current trends in artisanship and sustainability involved in every level of food appreciation — in addition to a world’s worth of innovative menus out there — the term “foodie” is an ever-expanding concept. In Gestalten’s A Delicious Life: New Food Entrepreneurs book, new movements in terms of dishes, ideas, recipes and the people and places behind […]

Originally in German and recently made available in English by publishing house Gestalten, editors C. Warnier, D. Verbruggen, S. Ehmann and R. Klanten have put together a book documenting the progress, noted accomplishments and growing potential of 3D printing. Printing Things: Visions & Essentials for 3D Printing is a 256-page collection of images and ideas on […]

When the wall came down in 1989, an era of both lawlessness and creativity surged in East Germany. Due to a sudden influx of cheap, cheap real estate — and the artists that rushed in to take advantage of the low rents — the city of Berlin became a cauldron of artistic expression. It truly […]

Dieter Rams, the product-design mastermind behind four decades of Braun products (and this iconic watch), first published Less, but Better in 1995. Though the book has since gone out of print, the titular phrase has withstood as emblematic of his approach to design. Or better yet, how Rams would say it “Weniger, aber besser”. The classic has now been […]