In our brave quest to cover all things robot and Japanese, may I present you with Japanese Breakdancing Robot. How can we be shocked? Let’s see, we’ve seen the Japanese invent robot bears to carry the incontinently wasted, they erect giant robots to defend themselves from really slow aliens, and then they enslave the clumsy […]
PresidiaCreative did a really nice job compiling 55 Epic, Weird and Totally Awesome Images. As they put it: “There are some incredibly talented and creative minds in the field of graphic design. Combining 3D, photomanipulation, and digital painting can result in some pretty incredible effects. However, designers don’t always create serious images for clients, sometimes, […]
I love how personal Segway-like machines are heralded as “green” cos they don’t use much power to cart your lazy ass around. You know what’s more green than lithium ion batteries and solar panels? Walking, u lazy fuck! Take that retarded bike helmet off your head, get off the self-powered walker/scooter/unicycle and take part in […]
What exactly is up with the Japanese? They erect giant robots to defend themselves from really slow aliens, they manufacture robot bears to carry the incontinently shit-faced, and then they enslave the clumsy bastards to play soccer games to the death. What gives, Japan? Can’t you give these poor soulless bolts-n-transponders a break? Now you […]
Ahhh, the Japanese — always ten steps ahead of the Western world when it comes to 3 things: scat and vomit-oriented sexual fetishes (look out, Germany!), advanced robotics and all things adorably cute. Their new RIBA (“Robot for Interactive Body Assistance”) robot now combines 2 of their virtuosities into one great technological leap for the […]
The first look at Tron Legacy was shown last week at Comic Con, and I gotta say I’m not totally enamored by what they got so far. In the original TRON, the computer-like landscape was revolutionary, and created a world unlike any kid had ever seen…outside of an Intellivision cartridge graphic, that is. But nowadays, […]
You know how I just got done ranting yesterday about the insidiousness of advertising, and how it’s a black festering sore on the soul of humanity? Well, here comes Nike with a well-timed rebuttal emphasizing the potential that advertising, and commercials, can reach. This Exploit Yourself ad is pretty rad, even if it does just […]