Lori Nix takes photography to new heights… or is that its most intricate depths? Her photography isn’t that of majestic landscapes and windswept natural wonders, but rather captures whole narratives she constructs through miniature dioramas. Her most recent work, The City, is a series where she constructs a world that has long since self-destructed, only […]
Engineer Brian Chan from M.I.T. has fashioned art work with his impressive math skills, creating his own origami patterns and using one single uncut sheet to fold into paper masterpieces. When Chan first started this simple hobby he mastered making traditional animals and intricate insects, but now paper is no limit as he manifests sci-fi […]
The upcoming Alphaville Series takes its name from hipster God and French New Wave pioneer Jean Luc Godard’s 1965 film of the same name. The themes from the 1960s cinematic movement— full of stylistic experimentation and philosophical dialogue — centered on the ills of contemporary society. Godard’s Alphaville is about a city called Alphaville, a […]
Creator Javier Alejandre was influenced by old black and white Sci-Fi movies when he designed the Oddbod — a chair meant to resemble a UFO invading a 1950’s American city. A whimsical “organic design” made of rotomoulded PET and pine legs, Alejandre formally works with a children’s video game company — you can no doubt […]
Look, I have no problem with wanting to look good — we dedicate a good amount of space to items that we simply find aesthetically pleasing, but which would do us no good whatsoever in the Upcoming Zombie Apocalypse (you know it’s coming — best lock up that Enduro Motorcycle and Combo Axe). But while […]
Last year former Vimeo developer named Casey Pugh announced his project Star Wars Uncut. The idea was simple, but oh-so-grand in execution: break up Star Wars — the biggest and most untouchable fanboy epic of all time — into 15 second partitions and let sci-fi nerds from across the globe claim these chunks of immortal […]
Do you love Terminator? Do you have $6,000 to spend on sci-fi heirlooms of dorkdom? Do you want to scare and amuse your nerd friends, all while totally blowing absolutely any chance of getting laid with that girl you somehow managed to roofie charm back to your house? (Although I’m thinking if you have the […]
The saddest aspect of GM’s burying the Pontiac badge last year was surely the end of the proud Firebird lineage. After all its predecessor, the GTO, was the first muscle car ever made — the brainchild of Pontiac chief engineer John DeLorean when he had the epiphany of stuffing a Pontiac Bonneville’s V8 engine into […]