We’re cleary big fans of TrustoCorp, following their antics from their Sarah Palin Sex Tape Nightmare! fake magazines to their Zombie Kim Kardashian Eats Herself! tabloids to their best known work making fake street signs. Now the subversive collective has teamed up with fellow rabblerouser and social critic Shepard Fairey for another collection of pseudo consumer products […]

Combining two of the most powerful cultural tsunamis of the moment, zombies and Kim Kardashian, the great TrustoCorp crew create their latest cover of Out Of Touch magazine with an image of the undead bubble-bottomed socialite/sex tape phenom/cultural black whole eating herself alive (undead). Why not. I mean, who would be shocked by the shamelessly self-promoting […]

14 Mar
Also starring Ann Coulter as succubus & Santorum as... insane

Read more Bureaucracy for Breakfast HERE Are you sitting down? OK, great. In this comfy position maybe you can accept this well thought-out thesis without turning into a lamebrain naysayer: Believe it or not, the campy, Vamp’r infested world of True Blood is the perfect place for many of our extreme right wing media whores […]

8 Dec
Lost In a Supermarket breaks down our best ART of 2011

It’s about that time that we begin looking back at the year that was at LOST IN A SUPERMARKET. A whole year means a lot of amazingly awesome and amazingly bad crap we’ve found floating around this Great Existential Supermarket we all live in, so it’s time to get things going. We’re gonna kick off […]

Since we first saw TrustoCorp’s subversive street art we’ve been fans. In the over-saturated, bloated world of street art, it takes doing something really different in order to stick out from the crowd (or just doing something really well). Plus, it always helps to have a strong message as all their fake street signs do […]

13 May
Borders Perrin Norrander gets politically ironic

Design partners Borders Perrin Norrander created this campaign for the US election in 2008, and it has some really clever graphical plays on it. That whole oil thing really seems to resonate right about now, especially if you happen to live in the Gulf Coast. Or if you’re a pelican. On that note, it really […]

Is it Schadenfreude to feel glee at this woman’s impending defeat? Kinda? But doesn’t this ass-clown totally have it coming? I’m absolutely petrified that Republicans are gonna cheat on several battleground states, as they did in Ohio in 2004 and Florida in 2000. CNN is already reporting country-wide purging of legitimate voters, so it’s not […]

Pretty much sums up how i’m feeling…